"Destroy the foe that's hidden in the body."
- O'Sensei Morihei Ueshiba

Thursday, December 15, 2011

of KTAR & DAP...

Teresa: I’m also from KTAR

After the so called national FEEDLOT thinggy scandal so glamorously exposed by the RAKYAT... looks like the Bee eNd have their own expose...

As far as I noe, education was suppose to be A-political... but now it appears anythin can be dragged into the politics arena...

my question is... "so wut if these ppl have studied in KTAR?"...

we were taught to do the right thing... and it appears some have done d rite thing...

but for some ppl... i seriously think they have to go back to skool... start from kindie would be my suggestion...

go figure...!!!


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